Terms and Legal Statements of this Site

Welcome to the website (hereinafter referred to as this website) of Suzhou Walter Electronic Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as Walter Electronic). To protect your rights and interests, please read the following:

 Website Terms of Use

When you enter and use this website, you are deemed to have agreed to abide by these terms of use and other legal provisions on intellectual property rights, copyrights, trademark exclusive rights, web intellectual property rights, and privacy rights.

 Suitable Subjects

This website is provided by Walter Electronic and is governed by this website’s terms of use. The terms of use of this website may be updated at any time without prior notice from Walter Electronic. This website and other Walter Electronic websites linked to or affiliated to this website and all information, communications, software, scripts, photographs, text, videos, pictures, music, sounds, images and other searchable information and services are intended to provide lawful use by customers, employees, and the public. You have acknowledged that Walter Electronic reserves the right to refuse or terminate your use of this website at any time.

 Copyright Notice

All works, materials, and layouts on this website (hereinafter referred to as works), including but not limited to copyrights, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights, are owned by Walter Electronic. Except for matters disclosed and announced in accordance with the law, without prior legal authorization, no one may use or exploit these works by means of reproduction, modification, editing, dissemination, public broadcast, transmission, publication, distribution, etc. and shall not copy, reverse engineer, de-compile or disassemble any information and functions of this website without authorization, or destroy and interfere with the programs and functions contained in this website in any way, otherwise assuming all legal responsibilities, and Walter Electronic may investigate relevant civil and criminal legal responsibilities according to law. Note: This website uses hyperlinks to link to external websites, and the intellectual property rights to which the website belongs are owned by the copyright owner of their website. All contents published on this website (including web design, photos, images, audio and video files, software, data, text, descriptions, and other information, etc.), unless otherwise marked, are owned by or authorized by Walter Electronic. Without the prior written consent of Walter Electronic or other rights holders, no one is permitted to arbitrarily change, copy, claim to be the owner, remove the statement about intellectual property rights contained in this website or have other acts that infringe on intellectual property rights. Note: Some image sources: Bigstock (www.bigstockphoto.com), Shutterstock (www.shutterstock.com), Freepik (www.freepik.com), all of which have obtained relevant authorization.

 Restrictions on Content Use

All contents published on this website (including web design, photos, images, audio and video files, software, data, text, descriptions, and other information, etc.), unless otherwise marked, are owned by or authorized by Walter Electronic. Without the prior written consent of Walter Electronic or other rights holders, no one is permitted to arbitrarily change, copy, claim to be the owner, remove the statement about intellectual property rights contained in this website or have other acts that infringe on intellectual property rights. Note: Some image sources: Bigstock (www.bigstockphoto.com), Shutterstock (www.shutterstock.com), Freepik (www.freepik.com), all of which have obtained relevant authorization.


This website lists many proprietary trademarks, logo, and product names. The information published on the website does not imply any license or right granted by Walter Electronic. Visiting this website does not give you any license to any of Walter Electronic or third-party intellectual property. Without the written permission of Walter Electronic, the trademarks of Walter Electronic shall not be used.

 Information Submission Please do not send any confidential or proprietary information to Walter Electronic through this website. Any information sent to Walter Electronic through this website will not be regarded as confidential (hereinafter referred to as non-confidential information). If Walter Electronics receives such non-confidential information, it is deemed to be granted an unrestricted, royalty-free, and irrevocable license to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, transmit and distribute this non-confidential information, and agreeing Walter Electronic to freely use the ideas, concepts, techniques, and methods transmitted for any purpose free of charge. The posting or dissemination to this website of any unlawful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, inflammatory, pornographic, or profane content is strictly prohibited.

 Limitation of Liability

Walter Electronic shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages or damages for lost profits or lost earnings arising out of the use, browsing or inability to use this website. Walter Electronic assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content contained on this website, including but not limited to any damage or injury, or any failure, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, failure of telecommunication line and all other direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages.

 Legal Notices

Walter Electronic has recently discovered that some criminals have misappropriated the trademarks and forged documents of Walter Electronic, made counterfeit products, and even fake websites to provide false product to sell to customers. Please be cautious to avoid being deceived. In addition to notifying the customer of this matter and giving a solemn warning to (including but not limited to) piracy, forgery, infringement and other unscrupulous business activities, Walter Electronic reserves the right to pursue legal proceedings. Walter Electronic welcome the effort to jointly crack down on unscrupulous business activities. If you have any questions or have the purpose to report, please contact Walter Electronic directly.